About the Library


For the library admission rules see Using the Library . Students must be enrolled in the academic year to be eligible for admission to the library and will have to display their student ID card. Admissions are granted throughout the academic year starting from October. If you require any further information, please contact the Librarian.

Using the library

The Library’s collections include textbooks, reference literature and journals on dentistry. The Library’s collection is accessible in the reading room for all people upon presentation of their student ID card or library card. The staff members and students from the JU MC Dental Institute are entitled to borrow up to three items for a month. Printed journals are available only in the reading room. The library offers 10 computers with access to the Internet, Jagiellonian University databases and the library catalogue.

Wireless access

For readers who bring their own laptops, a free Wi-Fi connection is available. It is required to enter the password (provided by the librarian) to access the Wi-Fi network.

Management of the Library Collections and the Library Catalogue

All items are available on the open shelves in the reading room. The books are arranged according to the United States National Library of Medicine Classification (NLMC) whereas journals are shelved alphabetically by title.

The JU Libraries Catalogue will help you to find books and other items. Please note that the location code of the Library of the Dental Institute is ‘Instytut Stomatologii (IS)’. It is not possible to order items online.