Authorisation of the Medical Library Computers


If your IP number is displayed in red it means that your computer is not recognized by the Jagiellonian University network and you are not able to access the databases or eJournals offered on the Medical Library webpage.

Access conditions:

  1. You are a member of the Jagiellonian University Medical College faculty, staff, a student or researcher from another university who collaborates with JU MC researchers under a civil law contract.
  2. Your library account is active.
  3. You should send a request for remote access to eResources offered by the Medical Library to This message should include the number of your library card. Alternatively you can fill in the proper form to set up a library account.

In case of any further questions, please email to


If your IP number is displayed in orange it means that your computer belongs to the Jagiellonian University network and you can access most eResources except from the Cochrane Library and Medicine Complete which are accessible only by the JU MC proxy-server connection.


If your IP number is displayed in green it means that you can access almost all eResources. In rare cases the access is limited to particular IPs, usually computers located in the Medical Library.