Admission & Account Renewal are carried out at the Circulation Desk and online through the electronic forms system.
Library accounts are not activated automatically. After data verification, the User will receive detailed instructions by e-mail.
Please note that your e-mail address at the domain or is required to create a HAN account (Hidden Automatic Navigator) for remote access to eResources offered by the Medical Library.
Only students who returned all borrowed books, paid for any possible fines and are signed up for the new academic year in the USOS system are able to lend books for the new academic year.
Note that:
Admission requirements for the Medical Library:
Jagiellonian University students:
Students of other state universities in Cracow:
Access to the Medical Library is open to the holders of student ID cards or library cards.
Library account activation is free of charge for Jagiellonian University students.
Students of other universities are charged as follows: